THE SELF-TALK WORKOUT: Six Science-Backed Strategies to Dissolve Self-Criticism and Transform the Voice in Your Head
“如果你曾經問過自己‘我夠好嗎?’,或者認為‘我應該對自己好一點’,那麼你絕對會想閱讀《自我對話練習書》。圖羅博士曾經歷並研究過自我批評的影響,她的書充滿同理心和科學基礎。”——雪倫.薩爾茲堡(Sharon Salzberg),《靜心冥想的練習》(Real Happiness)的作者
自我對話非常重要,但是我們該如何建立健康的自我對話呢?心理學家和心理治療師瑞秋·高德史密斯·圖羅夫(Rachel Goldsmith Turow)這本淺簡易動的指南書分享了具有科學依據的方法,讓你從最糟糕的自我批評者變成自己最好的朋友。
經過20多年就自我批評和相關挑戰與個人、團體和課程進行合作後,心理學家和正念老師瑞秋·高德史密斯·圖羅夫博士提供了“自我對話訓練”方法——六種可行的練習,可以幫助你用善意和自我鼓勵取代自我批評。特定的自我對話步驟包括:“呼吸吐氣” 、“發現成功”、“不要批評或減少批評” 、“用慈愛冥想訓練友善想法”、“在失敗中前進”和“熟練地允許所有感受”,每天只需要幾分鐘的練習。這些方法可以分別單獨練習,以改變既有的自我對話模式,或者也可以選擇結合兩個或更多練習來增強自我對話的訓練。本書每個章節都有一個核心練習,可以依據適合自己的方式改變步驟,每個方法也都有科學研究做為依據,並提供了成功的案例,激勵讀者邁向屬於自己的練習和改變。

私人執業的心理治療師、心理學家和西雅圖大學和西奈山伊坎醫學院的兼職教員。她訓練了數百人使用正念、自我同情和認知行為方法,將他們的自我批評轉化為自我鼓勵,並進一步獲得治癒和復原。她著有《Mindfulness Skills for Trauma and PTSD: Practices for Recovery and Resilience》,以及30多篇文章和書籍章節,她經常在國內和國際會議上發表演講。
“Rachel Turow offers simple, transformative exercises that you will return to again and again.”—Tara Brach, author of Trusting the Gold
“The Self-Talk Workout describes clear science-based pathways to cultivate self-compassion. This is a great resource for anyone looking for new sources of hope and friendliness.”—Shauna Shapiro, author of Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity, and Joy
“Here you will find skillful ways to quiet the mind and open the heart. This is good medicine.”—Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
“If you have ever asked yourself ‘Am I good enough?’ or thought ‘I should be nicer to myself,’ then you will want to read The Self-Talk Workout. Rachel Turow has experienced and researched the effects of self-criticism, and her book is written with compassion and a basis in science.”—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Change
“Given the prominence of our inner voice in the economy of our mental life, it is very fortunate that we can turn to Dr. Turow’s wise and compassionate guidance. Some words simply jump off the page and you can taste the relief contained in these practices. Dr. Turow demonstrates that our inner life is more malleable than we assume, and even a little more freedom around our self-talk can make an enormous difference in our lives.”—Matthew Brensilver, author of Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents
“In The Self-Talk Workout, Rachel Turow provides an accessible, sustainable, and scientifically-backed process to understand and to skillfully work with the voice within that causes us so much suffering. Turow’s comprehensive examination of the origins and impact of self-talk on the many aspects of our lives—personally, socially, and globally—behooves us to take action with wisdom and compassion for the benefit of ourselves and all beings. And Rachel is a phenomenal writer—clear and easy to follow.”—La Sarmiento, guiding teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Sanghas
“Recommended for anyone needing techniques to pacify their inner critic.”—Library Journal